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来源:北京中考网    作者:叶子静    2014-02-28 10:01:09


  •   When the boys 1 home, it was eleven o’clock. It was dark 2 but there was a light inside their home and the door 3 . They could see a man inside.

      “Who can 4 be? ” Said Peter. “Mother and Father 5 to do some 6 . They won’t be home 7 eight o’clock. ”

      When the man saw Peter, he looked 8 . Then he smiled and said. “Come in! You don’t know me, but I’m a friend of 9 .” The man didn’t see John.

      Peter went inside and began 10 to the man but John didn’t. He quickly but quietly ran off. He soon found a policeman and brought him back 11 home. The man was 12 there, but when he saw the policeman, he tried to run off. The policeman caught him 13 the arm. Just then the boys’ parents 14 .

      “Is the man your friend?” The policeman asked Mr. Turner .

      “No, he is a thief. He wanted to steal my money. 15 nice of you to catch him.”

      1. A. reached B. arrived at C. goes to D. reached to

      2. A. out of B. outside C. outsides D. inside

      3. A. opened B. was open C. was opened D. open

      4. A. he B. she C. it D. that

      5. A. have been B. have gone C. go D. went

      6. A. shops B. shopping C. shoppings D. shop

      7. A. until B. at C. to D. before

      8. A. frightening B. fear C. frightened D. surprised

      9. A. your father B. your father’s C. your motherD. your family

      10. A. saying B. talking C. speaking D. telling

      11. A. to B. to their C. their D. at

      12. A. already B. always C. still D. yet

      13. A. in B. on C. at D. by

      14. A. returned B. returned back

      C. had returned D. had returned back

      15. A. It’s B. This’s C. This is D. So is





    语文 数学 英语 物理 化学 思品 历史 生物 地理
    语文 数学 英语 物理 化学 思品 历史 生物 地理


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